To see Haus Stefan, click 👉 HERE 👈

To see Haus Stefan, click 👉 HERE 👈
Kevin & Sascha wanted to fishing for the Leng, let’s make everything clear 😉Perfect fish for the kitchen, which we shared among ourselves.Afterwards there was…
A wonderful day in Trøndelag 🤩
Here we go again 🎣😉April is off to a good start with massive amounts of forage fish offshore.Searching for pollack and large cod, we also…
Secure your place for the tour in March now 😉 All hell breaks loose offshore in March and inshore large schools of sardines attract all…
Wind up to 65 kmh and 1 meter wave demanded everything from us, but we put everything on the Topwater map today and were rewarded…
Bitte lest in Ruhe und beantwortet uns die Fragen so detailliert wie möglich, so dass wir Euch das höchst unvergessliches Erlebnis auf Gran Canaria anbieten können.
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