🏔️ Travel report India/Himalaya 2024 part 2 🏔️
Extremely shy and very cautious, as well as picky about the food it prefers, a missed bite rate of 1:4 and a fight right into…
Extremely shy and very cautious, as well as picky about the food it prefers, a missed bite rate of 1:4 and a fight right into…
The days flew by and we were able to keep our average at 3-4 fish a day.With the exception of one fish, we caught all…
That was our first tour to the Himalayas.We went to the border region of India/Nepal.In this part of the Himalayas we were fishing in three…
Just saying… Experience Flatanger is about the nature, wild life and so much more this place has to offer, don’t hesitate to ask for offers,…
Bitte lest in Ruhe und beantwortet uns die Fragen so detailliert wie möglich, so dass wir Euch das höchst unvergessliches Erlebnis auf Gran Canaria anbieten können.
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* Experience Flatanger AS * SpareBank 1 SMN * Søndre gate 4, Trondheim *
* IBAN: NO 3642125500638 * BIC: SPTRNO 22XXX *